Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Good Day

I almost forgot what it felt like to have a good day. A good day has been so hard to come by lately, and although its not over, it is certainly been a great day so far. I woke up pretty early, had a nice breakfast, and read in the morning. Then I went and played a round of golf with my dad and uncle. When I got back my family ate at my aunt and uncles and I had close to a literal ton of steak, shrimp, and chicken. To top it all off I had my great aunt's homemade Italian pastries from Queens that I haven't had in years. So yes, this day was great, full of things I enjoy: golf, family, and food. I'm glad to say that although all days haven't been great, they have all been tremendous learning experiences. Every day is a lesson, and just as much of a blessing to me as ever. I hope this day is a good preview of what July will be like for me: a month of freedom and ability to do as I please. I like that

Danny Boy

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